Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Revolving Door of Expat Life

"Never tell anyone anything, or you will miss everyone"
~ Holden Caufield, The Catcher in the Rye

Rule of Expat Life - People Come, & People Go
It is the major differences of living in an expat society vs. living in your hometown.

It really sucks.


Global Librarian said...

It sucks.

You get used to it.

But it still sucks.

The Big Finn said...

I don't mind it; keeps things interesting.

Jul said...

psst... don't think he's Bavarian...

Unknown said...

I think it adds a certain sense of urgency to friendships -- you see people more often and get to know them more quickly, so that you can fit a normal-sized friendship into a smaller time frame. It has its pros and cons...

Greg said...

Why don't you try making friends with Non-Expats. It is so embarrassing that when expats come out here and don't assimilate. If more than 20% of your friends in Switzerland are expats, then you have gone about it all wrong. You will never be Swiss.

If you make some Swiss friends... you will be the one leaving.

My Brand New Swiss Life said...

SwissRant... I have Swiss friends thank you.

Guess what - they sometimes leave and move places too. Get a clue.

kim said...

Loving your blog. Just popped by today. I completely agree with the leaving of expats. It is the way of an expat, never easy, always there and (as global librarian said) still sucks!